Mind in Somerset works with local primary, middle and secondary schools in Somerset. We raise the profile of mental health issues, provide assemblies and work with smaller target groups in schools. In order to manage your expectations, we currently have a waiting list of schools seeking our support. Sadly, we are unable to support individual pupils with their mental health at school, although we hope to expand this provision soon. Instead, please see our Youth Matters services.

Speak Up! Programme

Speak Up! is a school-based programme for students between the ages of 13 and 16, aimed at promoting healthy relationships and encouraging higher self-esteem and happiness. 

Developed in partnership with Soroptimist International Taunton and Taunton Women’s Aid, by participating in this programme students will:
● increase their self-awareness and confidence.
● better understand the signs of an unhealthy or abusive relationship.
● know how to keep themselves and others safe in various types of relationships.

The programme costs £850 and includes access to the computerized version of the Speak Up! programme, two student sessions led by Mind staff members and computerised pre and post-assessments

To see a sample of the computerised version of the programme, click here. The password when prompted is schoolsample.

Please contact Jess McKeith at [email protected] for any enquires or more information. 


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