Corporate FUNdraising for Mind in Somerset

[email protected]

Corporate fundraising is a great way to motivate your team, raise your company profile and support a really good local cause in the process.

The support we provide for those suffering from poor mental health across Somerset would not be possible without the generosity of people who fundraise for us.

The money you raise will be spent here in Somerset to help even more people who are experiencing poor mental health. whether you’re baking up a storm or want to tackle a marathon.

Although affiliated with national Mind, we are an independent charity, responsible for raising our own funds.

We really appreciate your support which enables us to continue the vital work we do to support people’s mental health and wellbeing.

There are a number of ways that your company can support us:

One off activities and events 

Whether you’re baking up a storm or want to tackle a marathon.

There are literally 1000’s of ways that your team can raise money for us – and have fun in the process.

Contact our Corporate Fundraising team who can give you some help and advice on events and the best way to raise funds.

Choosing Mind in Somerset as your ‘Charity of the Year’ 

Rather than a one- off event or activity, you could choose to engage your employees throughout the year by choosing us as your charity to support. We often find that this is a better way of engaging employees with a range of activities for all ages, tastes and abilities. We will support you all the way and make sure that your organisation gets lots of recognition via our Corporate newsletter and our social media channels

Payroll Giving 

Employees choose how much they want to donate. Their donation is deducted from their salary and we receive the tax on their gift at no extra cost. Staff can also choose to donate the pennies from their payslip to us e.g. earn £940.52 and automatically donate 52p to us.

Donations in kind  

We understand that not all corporate partners are in a position to donate funds. As a small charity with little resources we would value any support that you could offer. This could be providing guidance on business development to offering to    design leaflets and documents or simply by encouraging other potential corporate partners.







[email protected] 

We are grateful for support from: