Public Health Somerset have provided funding to deliver free ASIST courses! We currently have the following date open for application:

  • 1st and 2nd May 2025

To apply, please compete the form at the bottom of the page.This course is delivered face-to-face just outside of Taunton.

Trusted by professionals and very accessible to a wide range of people and professionals, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is the only workshop of its kind. Updated continually to reflect new knowledge, ASIST has been empowering people to provide skilled, life-saving interventions for over 35 years. Over that time, over 2 million people have received the training worldwide!

ASIST is a two-day face-to-face workshop featuring powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations. During the course, you’ll learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing a skilled intervention, and developing a safety plan to keep someone alive. Two knowledgeable, supportive, qualified ASIST trainers will guide you through the course, ensuring your comfort and safety.

Studies show that the ASIST method helps reduce suicidal feelings in those at risk and is a cost-effective way to help address the problem of suicide.

Safety notice: Your safety and emotional health is of paramount importance to us and therefore we advise that if you have been bereaved by suicide within the last 6 months you do not apply to attend this course, at this time.

The course is aimed at frontline workers, typically from the following areas:

  • Statutory and voluntary sector workers in health, welfare or social justice
  • Adult education, leisure and community safety staff and volunteers
  • Emergency service workers
  • General Practice staff

“Cutting edge, front-line, hands on, LIFE SAVING resource, made highly accessible and instantly applicable. The kind of training that keeps people alive.”

An ASIST participant

What is ASIST?

An accredited two day, interactive training that prepares caregivers to provide suicide first aid interventions.

  • Improves trainee skills and readiness
  • Safe for trainees, with no adverse effects from training
  • Interventions shown to increase hope and reduce suicidality
  • Training shown to increase general counseling and listening skills
  • Saving lives and costs, yielding return on investment of up to 50:1

Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants don’t need any formal training to attend the course.

What will you learn as an ASIST trained first aid caregiver?

After taking ASIST, you will be better able to:

  • Be suicide alert – identify people who have thoughts of suicide
  • Understand the reasons behind thoughts of suicide and the reasons for living
  • Recognise invitations for help
  • Recognise potential barriers of seeking help
  • Offer support – recognise other important aspects of suicide prevention including life-promotion and self-care
  • Effectively apply a suicide intervention model
  • Link people with community resources
  • Understand the ways that personal and societal attitudes affect views on suicide and interventions
  • Provide guidance and suicide first aid to a person at risk in ways that meet their individual safety needs
  • Identify the key elements of an effective suicide safety plan and the actions required to implement it
  • Appreciate the value of improving and integrating suicide prevention resources in the community at large
  • Recognize other important aspects of suicide prevention including life-promotion and self-care

We are grateful for support from: